6.2 Robotics


  • a branch of computer science that incorporates the design,construction and operation of robots

Describe the characteristics of a robot:

  • A mechanical structure or framework

  • Electrical components, such as sensors to record its environment

  • Microprocessors to take a reading from the sensor and decide what action to perform

  • Actuators to make the robot move/perform

  • Programmable; program can be written for the robot to follow.

Describe the advantages/disadvantages of using AUTOMATION in X industry:

  • Initial cost: will be high because of the equipment that will be needed (eg robots) Software developed for equipment will also be expensive
  • Running cost: may be high cost to maintain equipment. HOWEVER actions performed may be more efficient compared to humans which can save money, and may also reduce the number of employees needed for the task therefore will save money in the long run
  • Safety: machines/robots can be used in hazardus environments which could otherwise be lifethreatening to humans.
  • Replacing peoples jobs: jobs that automated systems will perform will replace humans. HOWEVER new jobs are created for maintaining new equipment and developing software/updates for them.
  • Continuous work: automated systems can work continually without breaks throughout the entire day, this means that they can be more productive than humans.
  • Precision: human workers are not able to maintain the level of consistency in tasks performed that a robot can, this means that automated systems can generate more consistent results

Robotics in medicine

  • Robots can be used to perform procedures in operations with high accuracy
  • Errors in the programming of a robot or if someone gains access to the robot could result in a disasterous event potentially causing harm.
  • Robots may be controlled remotely to perform operations, if the connection is interrupted the procedure will stop
  • Backup systems need to be in place to avoid potential issues

Robots in agriculture

  • Automated machines such as tractors are used
  • Can make use of satellite navigation to guide the movements and perform required actions
  • Farmers can be performing other actions whilst machines perform repetitive tasks
  • Robots could be used to plant seeds or remove weeds
  • Upfront costs may be high
  • Maintenance will be required
  • Potential danger of machines being hacked or Incorrect programming can lead to a bad harvest

Robots in agriculture

  • Automated machines such as tractors are used
  • Can make use of satellite navigation to guide the movements and perform required actions
  • Farmers can be performing other actions whilst machines perform repetitive tasks
  • Robots could be used to plant seeds or remove weeds
  • Upfront costs may be high
  • Maintenance will be required
  • Potential danger of machines being hacked or Incorrect programming can lead to a bad harvest


  • Robots used in factories to create goods from raw materials such as pencils and cars
  • Different robots can be used to perform different roles on the production line
  • Actions performed are likely to be without any human interaction.
  • Factories can run all day every day, increasing production
  • Jobs of workers are replaced by robots
  • New jobs are generated to maintain the robots and their software
  • Hacked robots in industry could lead to the production line coming to a halt


  • Robots that are used to perform tasks around a home eg. Robot vacuum cleaners
  • Make use of sensors to detect surroundings such as obstacles.
  • Can save people time while robot is performing repetitive tasks
  • May need monitoring as domestic robots movements may be limited